A couple of years ago I decided I needed to learn how to take better pictures. I put it on my priority list and was determined to keep working at it until my bland snapshots were a thing of the past and my pictures looked great.
I didn't understand what made a good photo and what made a mediocre or bad photo.
Applying just these three easy tips, my photography improved by leaps and bounds.
- Shoot photos off-center. Putting the subject to one side adds interest
- Shoot people from the side instead of dead-on.
- Get close to the action (for kids, get to their level).
Just those three tips got me started on improving my photography dramatically.
I urge you to put these steps into practice. And speaking of practice, get out there and take a lot of photos! The more you take the better you will be.
I am still working on my photo skills. You can follow my progress at my photo blog: Pamm's Photos.
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